Back on Track Masterplan
Subscribers only
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Subscribers only
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Subscribers only Welcome and Introduction
Subscribers only PDF: Your Plan For Forever Success
Subscribers only The Purpose of Back on Track Masterplan
Subscribers only What is an Abstinence Week?
Subscribers only Why 7 Days?
Subscribers only You Win or You Learn
Subscribers only Abstinence Week Completion
Subscribers only PDF: Why Your Bariatric Reset Fails Every Time
Subscribers only The Myth of Motivation
Subscribers only Decision and Commitment
Subscribers only Stock take
Subscribers only PDF: Your 4-Pronged Strategy for Success
Subscribers only Prong 1: Nuts & Bolts Action Plan
Subscribers only PDF: Writing Up Your Abstinence Week
Subscribers only PDF: Coping Ahead Exercise
Subscribers only PDF: Distraction Exercise
Subscribers only Prong 2: Self Management
Subscribers only Prong 3: Mindset for Success
Subscribers only Prong 4 - Understanding Compulsivity
Subscribers only Wrapping it Up
Subscribers only PDF: The Power of the Pen (Journaling Prompts)
Subscribers only VIDEO: Grace and Patience
Subscribers only Reading: Dangerous People, Places and Things
Subscribers only Reading: Head Hunger - The Answer
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